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November 4, 2019Hero nurse helps in rescue of driver trapped in smash on Marion and Sturt Roads

Hero nurse helps in rescue of driver trapped in smash on Marion and Sturt Roads
A hero nurse has come to the aid of a driver trapped in a two-car smash that ground traffic to a halt in Adelaide’s southern suburbs this morning.
The nurse was on her way to work when she saw the crash at the intersection of Marion Road and Sturt Road and rushed to help.
A 20-year-old man was trapped in his Holden Commodore after colliding with a Ford Ranger just after 6.30am.
Flinders Medical Centre Nurse Erica was one of the first responders, climbing into the back seat to stabilise the man’s neck as fire crews went to work.

“She did a fantastic job then we just liaised with the paramedics and just went about the process of performing an inline extrication to ensure that the spine is kept nice and straight,” Brad Field from the MFS said.
With the delicate operation underway, traffic was at a standstill, frustrating morning commuters.
One motorist gave up on the gridlock and walked.
The rescue, which took just more than an hour, was far from straight forward.
The roof and doors had to be ripped off while the man’s head was kept steady, until he could finally be pulled free.
In a rush to get to work, the nurse played down her efforts.
“I just held his head, that was all,” she said.
The driver was taken to Flinders Medical Centre in a stable condition.
This article was originally published on 7news on 4/11/19 by Callum MacPherson.