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November 13, 2021
Pain Management in Aged Care
December 15, 2021Healthy Ageing – How Allied Health are Helping

Health ageing is important. We all age, but the way a person feels about themself and the process of ageing can affect how they view life and the opportunities that life offers. For many residents living in residential aged-care settings, continuing to live a high quality of life often means having the ability to look after their body, maintain independence over important aspects of their life and take part in meaningful activities.
Allied health plays an important role in aged care by helping seniors regain physical abilities, promoting forms of active living through group exercise classes and providing other forms of functional intervention including mobility, balance and functional training. Additionally, they play an important role in improving the quality of life of our senior citizens through the delivery of complex pain management interventions (e.g. therapeutic massage), to assist those suffering from chronic pain experiences.
Our allied health team understands the importance of providing holistic support that looks at the whole person, not just their physical or pain management needs. By providing emotional and social engagement, encouraging participation and making a difference through everyday social interactions, we are able to provide support to the person’s overall wellness and not just their illness or condition
At Altaira, we try to be the best in aged care and that’s why we have recently opened our Allied Health and Wellness Centre to further support the community. Contact our team today on 08 8344 6400 to find out how we can assist you or your loved ones maintain your independence, prevent injuries, manage pain, and continue to do the things you love doing.